Start makinG
change in Portland
Here's how to get involved:
Fun & Social
Starting in January, we will be hosting lectures on relevant issues, pub talks and gatherings, as well as other fun events like documentary discussions for like-minded civic minded people to get together, make friends, and find an outlet for getting plugged in.
We believe that lasting relationships makes all of this worth-while, and with more people moving away from family, and changing jobs regularly, after we leave school those outlets for building community become fewer and fewer.
Now you can put Portland Forward on your social calendar too. Who says you shouldn't mix politics and friends?
CHeck back for calendar
Come to our weekly meetings
Here we talk about who knows who, and what is happening in Portland that can help or hinder our next steps.
We hold people accountable and determine responsibilities. These meetings are about action on our chosen issues.
On even weeks we discuss the issues and brainstorm strategy as a group.
On odd weeks we break into smaller working groups to send emails, make phone calls, and do the work that needs to be done with support and guidance of the team.
Mondays, 5:30 p.m.
Gnich Architecture Studio
1001 SE Sandy Blvd #100
Contact us for building access code
or phone-in conference line.
Thanks to Gnich Architecture for hosting us!
a Mentor
Our mentor program is a critical part of the mission of this organization.
Mentorship is not about age; it's about the experience you bring to the table, and your willingness to listen and meet others where they are and help guide them to reach their goals.
This program is not yet formalized and is evolving. We welcome your input!
Mentors can come to the weekly meeting, and we also have a separate gathering just for mentors.