Quick Tip: If you choose to email your elected officials please feel free to mention your personal reasons for supporting getting big money out of politics. The more personalized the message is the more powerful it is. For the City of Portland Call and/or email the Portland City Commissioners and Mayor Wheeler thanking them for a swift implementation of Honest Elections (26-200) and urge them to direct the City’s attorneys to file an amicus brief (a “friend of the court brief”) to the Supreme Court Case regarding the constitutionality of the County ballot measure; defending the will of City and County voters to allow campaign contribution limits and disclosures requirements in ads funded by dark campaign money. Mayor: Ted Wheeler: MayorWheeler@portlandoregon.gov, 503-823-4127 City Commissioners: Chloe Eudaly: Chloe@PortlandOregon.gov, 503-823-4628 Nick Fish: nick@portlandoregon.gov, 503-823-3589 Amanda Fritz: Amanda@portlandoregon.gov, 503-823-3008 Jo Ann Hardesty: JoAnn@portlandoregon.gov, 503-823-4151 For Multnomah County: First, you will need to identify who your county commissioner is, you can do so by visiting this link: https://multco.us/communications/find-your-commissioner. The Chair, Deborah Kafoury represents the whole county to you should definitely message her as well as your Commissioner. Call and/or email the Chair and your County Commissioner to ask that they pass the implementation ordinance, particularly the clarification of the disclosures. This will help the Oregon Supreme Court case and give clarity to candidates beginning campaigns for 2020. Chair: Deborah Kafoury: mult.chair@multco.us, 503-988-3308 Commissioners: Sharon Meieran: district1@multco.us, 503-988-5220 Susheela Jayapal: district2@multco.us, 503-988-5219 Jessica Vega Pederson: district3@multco.us, 503-988-5262 Lori Stegmann: district4@multco.us, 503-988-5217 Take Action to Support Honest Elections in Oregon! For the State: 1) Urge Governor Kate Brown to refer strong campaign contribution limits and disclosure requirements to the Oregon State Legislature as well as a referral to amend the Oregon Constitution to ensure campaign contribution limits are allowable under Oregon law. Take action by calling: (503) 378-4582 Or using her “Share Your Opinion” form (online): https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/share-your-opinion.aspx 2) Urge your State Legislators (senator and representative), to support legislation with strong campaign contribution limits, disclosure requirements, and to support a referral that amends the Oregon Constitution to clarify that unlimited money is not equivalent to free speech. Email and/or call your Senator and Representative by: going to www.oregonlegislature.gov, and entering your street address into the “Find Your District and Legislator” section and clicking on the “GO” button. Their pages will have email and phone numbers for you to use. Lastly: you can sign up to collect signatures to qualify a constitutional amendment to make campaign contributions legal. We are aiming to get this state-wide measure on the ballot for 2020 if we are unable to get it referred from the Oregon State Legislature. Here are some of the highlights from our "State of Honest Elections" event:
